Woodcut with CLIMATE-MARIO - KE-21 This piece of art with a row of my woodcuts was included in the Artists' Autumn Exhibition (KE) 2021, which is an annual censored exhibition for contemporary art, taking place in Copenhagen. "Climate Mario" has been multiplied by 9, to reinforce the message. Mario is a character from a computer game, i.a. with competition races and fast cars. Here, as a contrast, carved out of birch wood and printed slowly by hand on paper. Mario also needs to live sustainably. Here he is with his brother Luigi for "The World Naked Bike Ride", a protest against the oil and car-dependent lifestyle, as well as the celebration of body positivity. Windmills and sunsets can be seen in the horizon. There were many comments and questions about Climate - Mario and the number of prints, which despite different sunsets, was with the exact same motive. Was Climate - Mario stucked in a Loop? Was climate activism hopeless, with too much climate talk and too little action among politicians and the masses? Climate Mario is optimistic! More climate-friendly power and more hope!
Helte & Kat, træsnit 2022
Karussel, træsnit 2019
Skt. Stefan Session træsnit 2021