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2024: Rock for træer  - Festival Skt. Stefans kirken, CPH. ( DK)

2023: Danske Grafikeres hus, Skt.Hans exhibiton, Graphic prints, Cph (DK)

          Mamaistisk Theremin Disco, performance group show,

          Blågården, Cph (DK)

          Light of commonship, solo exhibition, Gallery Jarsbo, Aalborg (DK)

          Electricity SMK, National Gallery of Denmark (DK)

          Figurant/performer, - Hotel Proforma (DK)

2022: Emoscape, group show, LIA, DIE SPINNEREI, Leipzig (DE)

          Stairway to Art, Lundtoftegade, Boligselskabet AK /Nørrebrobyggerne

          8 Murals on 12 floors in nonprofit public housing ((DK)

          R.a.r.o. Madrid group show (ES)

          HAT CAT solo exhibition, Gallery Jarsbo, Aalborg (DK)

2021: The Artists Autumn Exhibition 2021, group exhibition,

          DEN FRIE, Cph (DK)

          MELTING TIME, SMK, National Gallery of Dennmark (DK)

          performer, artpiece by Kirsten Justesen CPH (DK)

          Human-Maschine-Cat, Solo exhibition, Gallery Jarsbo, Aalborg (DK)

2020: I’VE GOT SUNSHINE IN MY POCKET, Gallry Jarsbo, Aalborg (DK)

2019: Livsaftryk på trappen, art in public space, Ørestad Plejecenter Cph (DK)

2017-2021: SHIVER IN THE CHURCH, 1,2,3,4,5, Drøm&Co art group. Cph (DK)

2017:TAG ORDET PÅ TAGET 48 timer, Nørrebro artfestival Cph (DK)

2015: MURAL – BERUS JER, Nuuks plads, Nørrebro Cph (DK)

2003- : Design for backdrops and figures for Rikke Hallund, Perlefilm animation.

2013: 365 FLOWERS, solo exhibition, BUNKEREN, Kongens Have, Cph(DK)

          THE KNITCLUB, Trampolinhuset, streetart with asylumseekers Cph (DK)

          BLUE HOUR, solo exhibition, Huset Inanna, Cph(DK)

2010: SEKVENSER, group show, Brøndsalen, Frederiksberg (DK)

2009: White Canvas group show, Galleri La Fruteria, Barcelona (SE)

2009: Danske Rederier, artassociation, solo exhibition Cph (DK)

2008: HK, artassociation, solo exhibition, Cph (DK)

         Skov og naturstyrelsen, artassociation, solo exhibition Cph (DK)

2007: Charlottenborg Springexhibition 2007, group show (DK)

2005: Performance, Bogens dag, Christianshavn. Cph (DK)

2003- : Design for backdrops and figures for Rikke Hallund, Perlefilm animation.

2000: Acme Gallery,solo exhibition, San Francisco (US)

1998: Lucky little Sweet Potato, Musicvideo, MTV-Europe (EN)

1996: Barbue, art for stagedesign, Cph (DK)

1995: U-dance Performance, YOU MATIC, Cph (DK)

1993: Rådskælderen, group show, Cph (DK)

1990-93: Performer with Gordon Inc. in HUSET, CPH (DK) and Roskilde festival (DK)

1989: Performer with the british performance group INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC, Roskilde festival (DK).



2017-2021: Co-producer (Drøm&Co artgroup) Curation, production, event making, multimedia artevent, SHIVER IN THE CHURCH, 1,2,3,4,5, LiteraturHaus, Koncertkirken, Cph (DK)

2018: - Art Teacher at SMK, National Gallery of Denmark (DK)

2013-2015 Inventor, fond seeker and leader of THE KNITCLUB, a weekly art workshop with asylum seeking women, also a socio-economic art factory, collaboration with Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus, Trampolinhuset, Cph (DK)

2011- 'Hexia de Strik', design of sustainable knitwear p.a. for Moesgaard Museum (DK)




Skaterserie, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Skaterkongen etc.) Gyldendal

"Robert Rod, 1,2, Carlsen

"Træt af drenge", Gyldendal

"Den store rumpizza", Sesam.

"Rock, rock, rokketand", Ravnerok forlag

"Gajolmanifestet, Det andersenske forlag

"Kunsten at vedligeholde et smil", Radius forlag

"Hip hop og sukkerchok", Gyldendal 

"På Neptun regner det med diamanter", forlaget Vild maskine.

"Vi arbejder", KKArt Forlag

"Skater-Zoe 1+2+3+4", Elysion forlag

"Hannah Hugtand og Mørkemanden, KKArt forlag

”Pisser gul sol i sne”, Trykværket

Hannah Hugtand bliver bange for at skræmme, ABC forlag

1986 - Illustrated more than 50 bøger for Gyldendal, Carlsen, etc.

1995: Micromind BIM BAM, CD

2003- : Design for backdrops and figures for Rikke Hallund, Perlefilm animation.

2019-: Stjernevask ”Forvandlet”, LP, Skt, Stefan Session, LP, Helte & Kat, LP

MUSIC: 1989-93: Bass player/composer and singer in Gods Breed, Micromind. 1995: "Lucky little sweet potato" musicvideo, shown at MTV Europe chill out Zone. 2003-14 Guitarplayer/composer and singer i Satori Satellite, Citizen Vain Baby, The Cute. 2016-2018-Guitarplayer/composer and singer in Mikkeline & Flux. 2018- Guitarplayer/composer/singer in STJERNEVASK.



2022: Leipzig international Art Recidency Program with the Nordic Leipzig Scholarship supported by the Goethe Foundation and Statens Kunstfond (DE)

R.A.R.O. Madrid, Art Recidency Program supported by Statens Kunstfond (SE)

2016, 2017: The Danish Institute, Athen, (GR)

2013: Bikubefondens legatbolig, Skt. Petersburg, Supported by Statens Kunstfond, (RF)

2009: Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, supported by Statens Kunstfond (FR)

2000: Nordea Fonden, Scholarchip, Academy of Art University (US)



2022: Graphic Course, Vlado&Maria Ondrej – Atelier für Radierung, Leipzig

2014-17: Waldorf Teacher, Sophia Seminariet, Gentofte.

2000-2001: Academy of Art University, San Francisco (US)

1989-1998: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

Professors: Bjørn Nørgaard, Claus Carstensen, Torben Christensen



Danske grafikere

VAK Vestsjællands arbejdende kunstværksteder

KKArt Kunstnernes Kooperativ

KUFA Danske billedkunstneres fagforening

BKF Billedkunstnernes forbund


Aalborg Kommunes Kunstforening

Politiets kunstforening

Lærernes kunstforening

Folketingets kunstforening

DSB's Kunstforening

Danske Rederier


SKov og Naturstyrelsen


Madelin Gudmand Wilian

Born 1969, Copenhagen aka Mikkeline Wilian Gudmand-Høyer

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